Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We're pretty serious

EZcutiepie and I have moved to our winter quarters: the aforementioned Broken Wheel Ranch.  We've been there for about two weeks, and just in the nick of time.  Seriously, the snow/ice is out of contreezy.  I don't think we would be able to ride at all without access to an arena--it is the layers of ice and then snow that really would've done us in.  I probably just would've tacked him up, sat on his back, and been like, "I love you!  Let's hug."  Doesn't sound allll that bad.

Broken Wheel Ranch

All my complicated decision making worked out in the end--I just trittrotted little EZangelpie down to farm, as we were used to, and then had helpful Mr. Dad bring all our stuff and we were all set.  Check out the digs.

This is his stall, where he takes his meals like a fancy boy.  Please note his gorgeous O'Halloran cooler, borrowed from Cathleen, like all our nice stuff.

So the upshot of these winter quarters is the arena, not, in fact, that he gets to be spoiled with a stall if the weather gets nasty.

We built a baby jump to celebrate.

When I say "baby," I mean, "baby."  EZ was pretty sure he should just trot over it.  

Once that task is completed, he waits patiently at the door.

"Aren't you forgetting it is time to wrap things up now?"

"No, seriously.  I'm ready."

He did actually jump some things.  Which was good, considering we are going to a little schooling show in a few days where the hope is that things will be jumped.  Since I decided that we were shooting for the Beginner-Novice event at Kent on May 15, Ronan thought it would be good to get out a little bit, get a little practice with the whole "jumping" thing, as well as the whole, "leaving home" thing.  So, we'll see how that goes, but it would seem we're becoming quite professional.

I've been spending hours every day at this place now, which is much longer than I should, considering the fact that a boarding school never sleeps, and they are the ones who pay my bills (sorry about skipping classes to go to a show on Saturday!).  Part of what takes me so long every day is this business:

Wound cleaning.  EZdelicateflower is apparently finding his new pasture-mates to be rather rough.

 There they are, clearly up to no good.

"Who, us?  We're nothing but good.  Swear."

"Please get me out of here."

They actually don't seem very mean to him; he doesn't seem scared by them and I never see anyone giving him a hard time, but every day there's a new scratch or scrape.  Nothing too serious though, and it gives me a chance to brush up on my mad doctoring skillz.  We may look rather raggedy though, just sayin. 

1 comment:

  1. siiiiiiiiiiiince you signed off before i could properly thank you for your glorious bloggity blog-- i thought i'd comment!

    the new barn seems like and excellent idea! and looks really nice! i'm excited to see jumping/show pictures. aaaaaand im jealous of all your pony time!
