Thursday, February 10, 2011

Country Animals

EZ and co. had some more visitors this weekend.  Randi and Caroline made the trek from New York City to the Millbrook School Log Cabin for some fresh country air.  And gossip magazines.  Ooooh, and the zoo, where we were all captivated by these guys (all photo credits to Caroline):

Yup, high school with a zoo, no big deal.

Since in the country there is really nothing else to do than look at various animals, both exotic and farm, we also made a visit to both Indian Pond Farm and Broken Wheel Ranch.

Here is Caroline, both she and Donovan seeming awestruck with each other.

And here Randi and Dutch Boy seem equally delighted with each other's company. 

 Even more delighted here!  The horses are hoping that the proximity to the tack room door may indicate a possibilities for treats, and just working their charming magic on the lady from the boogie down.

"Yeah, ok, this is fun and all, but where are the treats?"

The tiny charmers were also out in full force.  Donker was not enjoying the rainy weather though.

Myma was totally digging her hay-filled burrow, however, only emerging at the ever promising possible presence of food.

Next we went next door to visit Mr EZdarlingdoo.

And to do some doctoring, because that's what we do when we go to Broken Wheel Ranch.

Some for the chest...

A little more on the eye...he loves it.  He actually is a very good patient, and I bribe him in between each dab.

The star of this visit though, had to be Rafter Cat.  Ask Randi and Caroline to sing you the song they composed in his (her?) honor.  It's a great jingle.

Here Randi is probably trying to get a better look at Rafter Cat.

The good thing about having visitors, other than that they are wonderful people whom I love, is that they take pictures of EZ and me, and we get to work on our glamor shots.

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