Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jiggity Jig

We're home again!  Yesterday marked the 5 week mark at Broken Wheel Ranch, and our date of departure.  It is still mad snowy around and not a whole lotta options for outdoor riding, but it was time to return to Indian Pond Farm.

 Although still snowy, as seen from the ride down to the road from the Ranch, the air does undeniably have a spring feeling to it.  It has been alternately raining, snowing, melting and freezing, but it seems to be moving towards a general thaw from the Snowpocolypse 2011.

Trying to aim from horseback is tricky.  Here, though,  you get a good view of where EZ's mane gets bunk.  I've been considering braiding it to try to get it to lay all on one side.  Then I think, why?  I mean, if I was going to attempt mane-care, probably I should start with pulling it to a decent length, no?  But it's so thin to start with, I'd rather leave it long, as long as it's acceptable to French Braid it if/when we show.  I don't know what Emily Post would say about that.

EZ was somewhat confused and kept looking back over at his bachelor gang; it had been awhile since we had made the mailbox-riddled road ride back to Indian Pond Farm.

Once we got home though, there was much reuniting with the D Gang.

Note Donovan's trademark "I am so big/give me treats" neck arch that he employs on occasions such as these.

 It's not like they were embracing in joy and love, but nor were they snorting in rejection.

Once everyone had deemed each other non-threatening, it was back to the full herd.

Donovan thought it was his duty as self-appointed herd leader to follow EZ around to make sure he wasn't up to no good.

EZ and Dutch also checked each other out a bit

But they determined nothing required further investigation.  And EZ's tongue felt really heavy.

All in all, it was all so uneventful that Donovan thought he'd just catch a little nappy. 

And EZ had to just get a little roll in, in order for it to fully feel like home.

Sorry it's so bouncy, Donovan was literally breathing down my neck.  I think I should start a rolling video collection.  They are always endlessly entertaining.

The reintroduction of babyEZcakes means restructuring the feeding process, which has been helpfully streamlined with his absence and the relocation of the goaties, who are living in the lower pasture since they realized they could wiggle through the pig door and wreak havoc in the tack room.  Now though, they get quality time with Dukey boy.

Poor Duke looks like he's about to get impaled in this one.

But he recovered quickly.

I was trying to get them both standing on the fence at the same time, but goats and dogs are not the most cooperative, I discover.

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