Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Look at these characters

I don't know what to say about this goat.  Look at him.  What kind of goat chills like that?  He's a thug.  And look at that belly.  He is a happy, happy goat.  And he leaves many, many happy little goat pearls (I love delicate poop terminology) all over the place that are impossible to pick up with a pitch fork.  Impossible.

Donker doesn't know what to say about him either.
Donker: Goat, why are you sitting like that?  Goat: Do not disturb me as I reign from my throne. 

These are the characters we deal with.  This is my view, trying to put EZ's boots on:
Goat: Let me try to eat you as you do this.  Donker: I probably should be the center of attention at this moment, as at all others.  EZ:  Why do they always get to eat all the hay?   Donovan and Dutch:  This hay is good, yo.
I don't know why Donovan and Dutch are gangsta, it just felt right.

1 comment:

  1. Petey kinda looks like an overweight mafioso in that first pic - like a Tony Soprano kind of character.
