Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cows out all over the place

It started really snowing a few hours ago, with really comfortable driving wind.  This was an appropriate time for the cows to let us know that they were out.

The trusty bouviers sounded the alert that these characters were out for a stroll.

Wait, so we're not supposed to be out here?

We better get out of here, here comes the wrangler!

And with that they happily trotted up to the barn, where I shut the gate behind them.  And then I counted, and joining the one that had obediently stayed where she was supposed to (agoraphobic?  Bouviephobic?), that meant that there were only four.  I went back to the house to check with dad that there were indeed supposed to be ten total and that he hadn't in fact put six up in the Hilton for the winter (should've known--Millerton does not have a Hilton).    I didn't really trust my counting skills in the low visibility, plus I hadn't had my contacts in, so Liz and I went back to check.  Yup, definitely only four.

We looked really hard, but  we couldn't find any hoofprints (or, you know, actual cows) indicating where the other six had absconded to.

Liz looking hard for cows

but the road seemed empty.

so I took a picture of us, in which it looks like I have no jaw.
Dad was patrolling in the truck and we heard honking from down the road.  He and mom followed the trail, where our neighbors had pushed the naughty six into a field behind the house.  I kept getting in the way because I wanted to take pictures.

You can't tell, but you'll have to trust me that those truck lights are shining over six up-to-no-good heifers.  

I really tried to document this momentous occasion, but I was late opening the gate and my camera was freezing.  Just trust me, it was big doings around here, but all are safe and sound, don't you worry.

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